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Our class actions

Jacinthe Boisvert St-Laurent vs. L'Or-et-des-bois Scholl service center

Court file number : 615-06-000002-222


Group definition : 

“All persons, as well as their heirs and assigns, who were sexually assaulted by Jean Pierre Colas while he was employed by Polyvalente Le Carrefour, during the period between January 1, 1972 and December 6, 1993.” 


Documents to download:

Demande d'autorisation d'exercer une action collective (17 juin 2022)

Réponse de la défenderesse (20 juin 2022)

Turgeon (Côté) v. Pharmacies

Court file number : 500-06-000818-167


Group definition:  

“All persons, as well as their heirs and assigns, who were sexually assaulted by Jean Pierre Colas while he was employed by Polyvalente Le Carrefour, during the period between January 1, 1972 and December 6, 1993.” 


More details to come. 

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